Monday, July 18, 2011

Casey Anthony More Evidence Of Guilt Your thoughts?

I have been watching this case from day 1 and I firmly believe she did it. No someone else didn't do it and she's not covering she did it. She has a Narcissistic personality that is a pathological liar. She never had a bond with her child. I'm just sad that she will most likely not get the death penalty

Thunderstorms on our 1 year anniversary..HELP!?

We had all these nice outdoor plans for our one year like going for a picnic and a walk.. but now their ruined with Tornado and Thunderstorm warnings. We want to have it be a fun day! Any ideas on what you would do in a situation like mine? THANKS:)!!!

Teens: How to Feel Good About Yourself?

I use to feel that way all the time was really becoming a problem. Due to this, I was left on the sidelines looking at everyone else have so much fun. By the way, I am 15. At times I still feel that way but you should not let it get to you. The problem is you have low self-esteem. It is okay to get a lower grade than someone else; you can not be perfect. Ypu have nothing to worry about your appearence; you obviously make up for it in style. All you need to is change your attitude about life and whole new world will open up for you. To begin' try saying hello to others at school you would not normally talk to.

I need find out a title to a movie?

the movie is a disney channel movie, it is about a nerdy boy who has a nerdy dad. there is going to be a father son picnic and the boy is embarrased by his dad so he goes to a gym and hires a new cool dad. does anyone know the title to this movie?

Dreams? Help me pretty pretty please!?

Alright. So I'm constantly having these dreams about me being kidnapped, like every night. I don't know why, but I always wake up either screaming or in the middle of the night. The kidnapper looks really familiar and my parents just kinda stand by and let it happen during the dream. I'm only 14 and I don't even wanna sleep because it's really that bad. What should I do? Why am I dreaming of things like this?

How to get my ex boyfriend to like me again?

Well were both in 7th grade and we started dating and went to a dance but broke up. I asked him back out and he said yes and we went on two dates over the summer (it is still summer break). We went to a lake and hung out and the next day we went on a picnic and jumped on a trampoline and I hinted that he should kiss me but he didn't get it. Later that day I told him and he said oops sorry. But then he broke up with me and I asked him why and he said because I can and later I asked if late this summer we could give us another chance he said no and I asked why and he said cause I dont like you that way I just wanna be friends. What can I do this summer to get him to like me and want to go ou with me again???

Should Roger Helmer MEP lose his job after his comments about rape?

You are asking if someone should be punished for the words they say? No. Plain and simple. Freedom of Speech is protected. Should everyone that ever says anything that offends or upsets someone else be punished?

What is the name of this book?

So I remember reading this book about a girl who was kidnapped during a field trip. She got lost and he took her because she thought he was a worker and thought he was helping. She was then forced to stay young and do things to him against her will. She then sees in the newspaper that her parents are having a new child and were still looking for her many many years later. When she is about 16 or so she is getting too big to sit in his lap and doesnt look as young as he likes. Saying that he wants a younger girl who he sends her out to find and lure into him. She finds a girl at a zoo with her brother. She flirts with the brother and convinces him to meet up with her at a park nearby with his sister too. All the while the man watching near by so she doesnt screw things up. She then tells him about being kidnapped and what she plans to do with his sister. So the boy and Annabell (the name the kidnapper names her) go to the park as they plan but he then brings a gun and kills the guy. they live happily ever after. But I cannot remember the name of the book. I remember almost the entire book because of my memory yet I cant remember the name of the book. I think I read it freshman year and i also thought it was a nominees book but i looked at them all and couldnt find it. I am now a senior so that was 4 years ago. If it helps any in finding the name of the book. Thanks in advance to whoever helps me remember the name. (:

Can I open a bank account just to get an overdraft?

I am really lacking money at the moment I only have �100 left in my existing overdraft and I cant extend it. I dont start my new job until August. I booked this holiday to ireland ages ago and just realised its next week and I havent fully sorted out my expenses for it yet and I just worked out that petrol alone will be about �150 so I have no money . I was wondering if I can open an account with a different bank and just be able to use an overdraft to see me threw then I can pay it all off when I am working, could I do this? if not what can I do to get hold of some cash? about �300 should be more than enough

How to Confident In Yourself?

Wow. that was a lot to read, but I can't just fix your problems. Those are all internal struggles. You need to learn to be confident ad recognize your successes. You've got some great awards and some great successes, and downplaying those isn't going to serve you well. Acknowledge your successes, but you are good or bad regardless of recognition. It's always great to be praised and recognized, but you should feel personal success from your successes and not need to be constantly reminded of it by others. I can guarantee that this behavior is visible to other people and it's probably in your way of being popular and truly happy. Long hair and a painted room definitely won't make you popular, but texting and facebook are important components of a modern social life. In terms of facebook, sit your parents down and talk to them about it. Figure out what they don't like about it. Usually it's the safety component that they don't like, so go through facebook showing them all of the safety precautions that facebook has and limited profile info. Prove to them that facebook is safe and is really helpful for projects at school and asking about school info. In terms of texting, ask them to get a phone for security. Tell them that it's for safety for when you go out or if something were to happen. If they won't pay for texting, offer to pay for it yourself. Those two aspects are pretty important so work for them. Paint your own bedroom and it should be a decent price- paint only.

Why Does It Seem Perfectly Acceptable For Girls and Women To Put Their Hands Over People's Mouths In Public?

I've never seen that done either. But just because you see something being done, it doesn't mean it's socially acceptable. It just that everyone gets away with rude behavior some of the time.

What was the title of this movie?

This guy had a wife and kid. The wife was crippled. And their daughter got kidnapped. Well something was needed to be unlocked, and the guys daughter knew [I think], and the girl kept talking to the kidnapper [even though the other kidnapper told him not to]. And when the wife fought back, she used her cane to shove it onto the dudes neck. And in the movie the guy who had his wife and daughter kidnapped, he found a girl in a mental hospital, and she was saying she knew about the code something. And she'd try to flash him? And then he snuck her out of the asylum, and the one kidnapper was saying "Tell me the code! You know the code!", and there's a flashback of the girl writing the code in the sand or something. And their in a grave yard at one point. Help me please :/.

How do I write a job application letter for an unskilled job?

You don't........there's no such thing as a 'job application letter'. Just go to some shops and ask for an application. Fill it out, return it and hope for the best.

I want to buy a gameboy micro.?

Buy a nintendo (Even though I hate them). Gameboys are way out to date and nintendo comes with a gameboy attached to it.

Someone please help me, please...i think i am having an anxiety attack?

i have this terrible fear of throwing i freak stomach has been hurting me all day, i have been feeling nasuase but i have had enough energy to go out and rehearse with my band and go to my school picnic and hang out with my friends after school i havn't really ate anything today, but now since its late out i'm beging to freak out..i think im going to throw up but my mom says im not going i gagged before like what you do right before you vomit but i held it breathing is fast and i feel very night heart rate is very high too...i am also shaking..and my hands are you think im going to throw up? i've been also burping alot...someone please help me ...please

Please help :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(?

I know I have posted this so many times but I am so scared. I was on omegle chat today when a girl came up. She was bout 4 and I was like ah is that ur daughter but they were like no I kidnapped her. But then I heard a story of a girl who was abused on that the same age. I don't know what to do as I didn't see anything as I disconnected and I highly doubt that a kidnapper would announce to the world he kidnapped someone? Please help :'(

What was that kidnapping movie from a few years ago?

I know this isn't a lot to go on, but sometime between 2007-2010 there was this movie that came out, it was probably a translation because the title was foreign. Some girl gets kidnapped and then gets into this relationship/stockholm with the kidnapper. It starts with an 'A' I think, I'd remember the title if it was in English. I've been searching the internet and I can't find it, if you have any luck or remember it, Thank you!

I think I'm talking to a preditor.?

Hey I play World of Warcraft and I met this girl (I'm female) ANd she lives a few states away from me, but, she added me on Facebook about two weeks ago and she's been acting like we're best friends and she says she's moving this summer and she gets to pick where and she said that she's moving to my state because she conviently has an aunt there that her mom wants to live close to...It seems kinda fishy and she's always talking about how she's ganna kidnapp me (she's just joking about it) and how I'm like her best's only been two weeks and I'm really scared...should I be because a few mins ago I was like, "You not one of thos kidnappers are you?" and she freaked out and was like, "WTF no! Ewwwwww!" Do she seem like one?! Are there any kidnappers that have not been found yet that do this kinda thing? Please leave there names so I can investigate!

Living down South, what is it like?

I've lived in both states and I likes Tennessee better. The lifestyle your looking for, you wouldn't want to live in the country but a nice little suburban area. If the town looks friedly most likely the residents are too. It's obvious way parts to stay away from because they look sketchy. But overall southerners are nice. You just got to find a good town, look into that.

Guys - Would to be expecting to get laid if... Please answer!!!?

... you were going on holiday with a girl you were seeing for a while, but nothing had happened so far yet (but there is an obvious amount of chemistry going on between you) ?

Please help please :'(?

if you really think that they have kidnapped that girl then tell this to cops. If the video is online is online or they were chating then it will not be problem for cops to catch them. Servers always have records of chating and other information for long time and with that information cops can trace there location. So if you doubt tell the cops even if you think it may not be true even then explain it to cops and you will be fine....

How to get over a girl?

I'm a 16 year old guy, I was going out with this girl or other words she was my girlfriend, my first girlfriend. I was with her for about 2 months and 3 weeks. Everything was going good until about... a month and a half ago and we broke up at that time too BUT for 3 weeks of that period of time she went overseas for a holiday, when she came back she asked me to call her so I did and after a while of normal talking she asked me if she wanted to be just friends and I said I don't know and she just hanged up. I didn't know what came to me but I just decided to send a text saying a couple of things and ending it with a break up, I asked her around 6 times why, tried talking to her, tried a lot of things and she just got annoyed causing no communication at all. Around a week later, she already has a new boyfriend and from then its been a month by now. I still miss her and I do try to get over her but I look at photos every now and then. I know some of you will say I should focus on studying and that but yeah... I still miss her and still hope for a day that I'll be with her again.

I think I'm talking to a preditor.?

Hey I play World of Warcraft and I met this girl (I'm female) ANd she lives a few states away from me, but, she added me on Facebook about two weeks ago and she's been acting like we're best friends and she says she's moving this summer and she gets to pick where and she said that she's moving to my state because she conviently has an aunt there that her mom wants to live close to...It seems kinda fishy and she's always talking about how she's ganna kidnapp me (she's just joking about it) and how I'm like her best's only been two weeks and I'm really scared...should I be because a few mins ago I was like, "You not one of thos kidnappers are you?" and she freaked out and was like, "WTF no! Ewwwwww!" Do she seem like one?! Are there any kidnappers that have not been found yet that do this kinda thing? Please leave there names so I can investigate!

I am 20 years old and my girl friend is 21 yrs old.?

Our college team went for picnic.when i was having the cloth after bath the windows were open.She saw me.And forced to have oral sex on me.She came to room and touch my cock.I have very huge cock its around 8.7 inches when erect.I am afraid and i had never sex nor masturbate in my life.It was my first experience for oral sex.She had rubbed and i ejaculate in here mouth.Her mouth was full of semen.He loved the taste but felt dirty.She had 4 times in month with me.First time i ejaculate more and after 2 time was less.Will these affect my sexual life after marry.She had swollen my semen will it affect her sexual life.Plz help me. These was the first time that i had experience.After that once week I alone use to masturbate.Its habit now.Help me out

Guant�namo Bay files: Al-Qaida assassin 'worked for MI6', Should we believe in what we are told?

Only if you are an idiot and can't be bothered to think for yourself. Saying that though, you will be a bit put out if I tell you that you can't always believe what the Guardian puts into print seeing as they are often a bit shy of the truth or spin it to sell their rag sheet. Still a bit behind but fast catching up with the Daily Smell.

Could you text 911 for an emergency?

What if you were hiding from a kidnapper and you couldn't call because he would hear the operators voice?

Im looking for this anime with this girl who wears two pink bows?

Im looking for this anime with this girl who wears two pink bows and her dress is like a country picnic tacble cloth. her hair is brown and long . she has bangs

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Should I dump him for Mr. Maybe right?

Okay, I started dating this guy two years ago, in 6th grade. It was my fist serious relationship, and the longest (by far) that I've ever had. I thought I loved him. He's the first guy I've ever told that I love him. During the summer after 6th grade he moved. I really hate long distance relationships, nut he said we could make it work. After that, he didn't call, or IM, or write or anything. I thought we were through. So, when this other guy, who I really liked too, called and asked if I wanted to go on a date, I said yeah. After that we went on 4 more dates and started going out. Then, 2 months into 7th grade, the first guy finally calls out of the blue and asks If I wanna go on a picnic with him. I didn't have the heart to tell him that I was going out with someone else, because he has a bad past. Not the most popular kid in school either. So I kept each one a secret from the other. It's not like I did anymore than hug either of them. I haven't kissed the first guy yet, and we've been dating 2 years! Anyway, my best friend said that I had to break up with one of them, and it took me a while to choose. The second guy was being really hot and cold with me, so I choose to break up with him. I've tried really REALLY hard to get over him, but I can't. So now, I don't have any feelings beyond friend for the first guy, but I don't have the heart to break up with him! Help!

What to do when your best friend is being a ***** ?

We've been best friends for years now and we've always been inseparable, but lately she's just been thinking only about herself and is making everyone and everything run around her. She's been making arguments with me because i'm friends with someone that she doesn't like for no real reason and that my closest guy friend calls her stupid for a joke on the rare occasion ( only because she's been pretending to be stupid and asking that most brain-dead questions on earth). We're meant to be going on holiday together next month but at this rate something bad is gong to happen and I don't know what to do?

Historical Manga (I think its yaoi)?

I read this awhile ago on mangafox and now i cant find it again lol, It's about a boy who runs away from kidnappers i think, and an older man finds him, and takes him in. I don't remeber much but i know it was historical, and i think the man was a monk or something, because he would sometimes wear these big funny hats, and monks tried to purify the boy... it was a cute story with cute characters, and i really want to read it again please help!

Help, I'm confused?????????

So I was walking home from school and this guy in a bear costume comes up to me and introduces himself as "Pedro". He seemed friendly, and then he asked "Do you like candy?". Well I just HAD to say "Yes." because chocolate is AWESOME. So after I replied, Pedro takes me to this white van and tries to get me to go in it. I decided not to do it. I am confused in so many ways. Could someone please explain why a kidnapper would be dressed in a bear costume? It would make it hard to sneak around in.

What do you call it? (if it even has a name)?

remember in old movies kidnappers would write a ransom note by cutting out letters from newspapers and magazines? what kind of writing style is that?

Londoners please help!?!?!?! 18th birthday THIS WEEKEND?

whether or not u actually take him out is out of the question. just let him **** you and he will get the best birthday present ever

How do I prove her that I am serious?

So my girlfriend broke up with me after 1.6 years of dating because she asked me 6 times or so to make her feel loved and appreciated but I didn't. She wanted me to take her star gazing on walks for a picnic and to call her more to bring her flowers randomly and write sappy love notes. She didn't want me to be her slave she just wanted to feel more appreciated and for me to show that I actually cared for her. So how do I prove to her that I'm absolutely 100% dead serious this time? How do I prove to her that I will change my way of doing things and would do anything to make her happy feel loved and appreciated. How to I prove to her that I'm absolutely 100% dead dead dead dead serious that I will change in that retrospect. How do I prove to her that I'm willing to go to the ends of the earth to prove to her that I will do these things after I've let her down so many times? She means the world to me and I don't wanna lose her for good I just want a chance that I don't deserve to prove to her that I will do all the things mentioned in the beginning and more. How do I make her see that I'm telling the truth though she doesn't believe me? Were are apart ATM and she won't let me come see her only text her or call her how do I prove this to her by word of mouth?

Nice picnic area in montauk?

I've been in montauk before. I've been all the way to the lighthouse. Now it's all bare with no trees in the parking lot area to have a nice picnic. We're going with family and friends this weekend to see the sunrise. We'll be going there in the morning but I would like to find another picnic area. Does anyone know of a good spot that's not there??? Any other nice park area???

Meteor - Going abroad?

I'm going on holiday this year to France. I live in Ireland and am on the Meteor network. As is my boyfriend. I was wondering, about when I do go on holidays, will I be able to talk to him, and text, and how much will it cost. I've looked it up, but I am kind of confused. I mean, will it cost money from HIM to ring ME from Ireland to France? That's my main question and I would really appreciate an answer :) Thanks!!

What is the name of this foreign film?

It's about a boy whose poor family kidnaps the son of a rich family for ransom and keeps him captive in a hole. The son of the kidnappers finds him by chance and befriends him, but when he discovers that it was his own family that kidnapped his new friend, he plans his escape. I was told by a friend that it's in Italian. I saw it once in high school and I've been trying to re-watch it since. Please help.

Fun things to do in a yukata?

well when i lived in japan people wore lots of yukatas whenever there was a festival or fireworks, mostly at night. but if there was no festivals you could go to the lake or somewhere with good breeze (as thats what yukatas are for). hope i helped.

Why have I, for years on end, had so many dreams about kidnapping?

To dream about being kidnapped and tortured I would think would mean that you're feeling helpless (which corresponds with it's increasing when you're feeling stressed) you feel as if you're capable of overcoming obstacles in your life but not without difficulty. You're probably unsure about yourself when you're stressed and you desperately want to be able to succeed in what you're stressed about. The other children who have been kidnapped are are supposed to represent aspects of your personality that you're suppressing (such as your fear of failure which corresponds with their unwillingness to try to escape themselves). That would be my guess. ^^; I hope this helps! :)(:

Ladies, what would you do if...?

you were kidnapped, brought to a house tied up and gagged and you were cuffed to the stair railing and your kidnapper came up to you and said he was leaving for good and left you there completely helpless

How can I fight depression in my situation?

I'm babysitting my 3 little nephews with my other sister, while their mom (my oldest sister) is working all day. I'm only free from 6 pm and the week ends. I'm kind of living with them right now, and they're really annoying, the house is always so messy, even if I clean up all the time, they're so noisy and mean...well they're kids! But it's summer and it's hot outside, and I'm 19, I want to enjoy my holidays the best I can, I just feel that I'm not free to do whatever I want, I can't even listen to music because they're so noisy! I'm so depressed and I hate that! any advice?

My stupid school is taking the piss...?

My school does that. Every year, there are like 10 free options (bearing in mind there are about 30 other options) and all the free options are boring, like 'army games' (sounds great, WHOO! ... sarcams btw :P). And this year, we dont even get activities week. We get CV writing, Police giving safety days and Army day. (So that week im aparently writing about what 'qualifications i have' (im in year 10, i don't have any qualifications ....), getting taught about drugs and alcohol for the 50th time this year, as im 15, so obviousley getting pissed every weekend and stoned every weekend too (sarcasm again !!! I've never touched drugs and i have drank before but never even tipsy. -.- ) and im getting hit by paintballs and doing a massive zip wire .... woohooo (saracasm !) ) I HATE the army and dont agree with it whatsoever !! Yes, come into a school and make out that it's all about teamwork and no one ever gets hurt. I know some children's parents are in the army, and i have not meant to offend you and if i have, then i really do apologize deeply as i dont want to offend anyone. School's just generally take the piss. D:

Claim the money off a holiday..?

We were going to buy a holiday but the site we were on showed an error and that we could not buy it so we bought another holiday and the next morning we saw that they actually did accept the first one. So how can I claim the money for the holiday if their site gave us an error and we ended up with 2 holidays???

What's the name of the movie where a kid with a radio control car saves his family from kidnappers?

the kid resembles macaulay culkin a bit, set in a beverly hills home i think, a group of organized criminals dressed in black and machine guns hold the family captive. the kid is a genius, the kidnappers want something from the father, a computer disc, or something, which contains valuable info, lol. it wasnt such a dark and serious movie, its quite fun. but does anyone know the name? something like: dangerous game or deadly game,.. not sure. been trying to find it on IMDB, but no luck there. its a small b movie. thanks.

I feel like a horrible boyfriend: what now? :(?

please make it up to her. and tell her she needs to understand that you overreacted. Because you may be angry, but the heart still cares, right? You seeem like you love her a lot, since you realized what you did. Most guys these days could give a damn about what they did or not.

What is this called exactly?

Today we had a picnic at school and I was walking through a field with my friends. I have a deathly fear of bugs and as we were walking a fish fly landed on my pants. I started running in circles, screaming "It's on me! It's on me" repeatedly (I now have a sore throat). I was also crying and it felt like I couldn't breathe. It took a while for my breathing to get back to normal after this happened. I was just wondering what this is called if there is a name for it at all and could it happen again...

Do you think my parents doesnt care about me?

WOW. It sounds like you have serious issues with your parents. Maybe you guys should try counciling since so you can express your feelings to someone since they aren't listening. (:

Need ideas for things to do?

So my boyfriend works till seven tomorrow night and we are going to hang out after he is done, but I don't know what we could do. We live in a small, crappy town so there is nothing to do around here. We both are also in college so we don't want to spend money. I was thinking of maybe having a picnic because it's someone romantic and we would be able to just talk with each other and chill. But I'm not sure if it would be to late to have a picnic.

What is your embarrassing moment?

Yesterday i went down to the beach and i had a lot of water so i kinda had to pee. I was with a bunch of my freinds, some of them guys, and one of my friends made me laugh really hard. I started to pee and i couldn't stop. We were sitting down so no one noticed, but i knew that i would soon start to smell. The only thing i had was a towel, so i wrapped it tightly around my self and slipped off my bikini bottoms underneath. This was a bad idea. When we were walking back to the car we passed the picnic benches where hundreds of people were hanging out. Then a huge gust of wind came and my towel had gotten a little loose and it blew into the air. my bottom half was exposed to everyone. My face turned bright red. I didn't want to go chase the towel so i just sprinted to the car crying. It was so embarrassing. What is yours?

Is this a good idea for a date?

It is romantic, most the girls I know love to go on picnic dates. I've actually been on a picnic date before, and it was quite romantic. Not many guys go on dates like this, so you'll definitely stand out. Good luck!

Does anyone have any good vegetarian or vegan recipes for a picnic type setting?

for a snack hummus and pita bread is delicious. You could make your own or get it at the store- they have lots of different flavors like spinach and artichoke or red pepper. It's super tasty and it also has lots of protein.

10 POINTS*** can I lose 4 kgs in 9 days?>?

140 is a fine weight, don't worry. If you lose weight then do some cardio exercises still eat a lot of fruit and salads.

Bikinis for the extremely flat chested?

Go to and go to swimwear they have EVERY type of bathing suit and you can even make your own with your own padding for reasonable prices =) hope this helps! xoxoxo

Saturday, July 16, 2011

What does my dream mean?

I was with my boyfriend hanging out where I used to live on the river, watching a remote control speed boat race from my neighbors pier. My boyfriend leaves me for a moment to go grab us a couple of drinks from my neighbors house, when he gets back he discovers i've been kidnapped of course he starts looking for me but he keeps looking in all the wrong places. In the mean time I've pissed off my kidnapper and he shoves me into this metal cage that kinda resembles a crab fisherman's cage and shoves it down the hill into the water ( please remember I used to live on the river the place where he pushed me down is about 15-20 ft deep and the further down you go the less you can see ) in my dream once I hit the bottom it was so clear like and blue, like the water off the Bahamas. I managed to get out of the cage and barely made it to the surface before I ran out of air. Right as I broke the surface I felt light headed and sick and this random guy dove in after me to save me but i have no clue who this person was? What does my dream mean???

Please can you translate these few short sentences of english into french for me?

In the summer holidays I am going to go to London with my cousin Kerry and her parents. I can't wait! I have never been to London before so I am quite excited. I will be doing a lot of shopping and sight seeing in London. I am going there in mid August so I hope it will be sunny and warm.

What can you wear with long maxi dress?

Hey am going on holiday to a hot place and i brought a cute maxi dress from new look...Its my first time wearing a maxi dress...also i got new sandles from river island...what els can i wear to make it look cute?

10 POINTS! Do you know a movie like this? :D?

a teenage girl is kidnapped and the kidnapper rapes her and keeps her and blahblahblah but then her guy friend saves her... yeah thats all :)

Whats the name of this movie?

Ok it starts out with a bunch of people wake up locked in a warehouse, and they can't remember anything. Some are tied up, there a tank of Co2 open that caused them to lose all there memory. Two of them are kidnappers and the others were kidnapped by them. They spend the movie trying to figure out who is who

Letter to a psychiatrist?

It's clear, but don't give up your day job. The grammar is lacking. Is your wife on meds that she needs to continue? Who will write the prescriptions?

Can my soon to be exhusband charge me with kidnapping?

You CAN'T kidnap your own children. After you are divorced and there is a custody agreement, then you would be limited to where you can travel with the kids, that is assuming that your ex-husband gets any visitation. If he is violent you should file a restraining order to have a record of his temper and to use during the divorce. You need to document anything and everything that you can to help you in the future. I dont think you would up and leave and take the kids for no reason and the courts will understand this also. You are both still married to each other and have equal rights to the children at this point so be aware that he could pick up a kid from school and disappear with them assuming of course he is capable of such a thing. It is amazing what people will do even if it hurts them in the future. Good luck and I hope it all works out for you.

What should I do when...?

Right now I'm struggling with severe depression and clinical anxiety. My mom draged me off to a church picnic with her when I told her I COULDN'T come. My depression and anxiety are som bad I was removed from school and can't even go ut to eat. I beegged my mom to take me back home she said I would have fun. The only thing I find fun is sleeping, one, I'm a teenager and two, I'm depressed. So right now I'm sitting the ****** hot car crying, I don't know what to do. I'm about to just leave the park and just keep walking, I'm several miles from town. Or should I just stay in the car and wait out the entire 3 plus hours event? I'm a 14 Year old girl.

Why do ones put down Filipinos?

most of my friends are form the philippines the person i will marry is form there so why does the world jude them is it there fault there government is bad no here in the uk ours is the same they take form us and never give back is it true ones in the philippines jude others yes it is but the ones in the U,S,A jude outers same as in the uk and all county's in the world do i heat anyone form the philippines yes but only the bad ones who live there the killers kidnappers the ones who sell kids and the ones who cut kids up to sell bits form them the rest are nice so i will never heat all filipinos

Fantasy Romance Novels?

Check the boards on Amazon, they have several threads on the subject of stockholm romances and rape fantasy.

Who Kidnapped John Wembly?

Arnie Acker, how would he know the sweater would make them suspicious? (Unless they mentioned it to him? which I don't think this specifies.) So I think it's him.

What is there to do in and around Cardiff Wales?

There are numerouse Macdonalds and shops for you to speand all of your money so that you can live in a cardboard box.

Dreams? Help me pretty pretty please!?

Alright. So I'm constantly having these dreams about me being kidnapped, like every night. I don't know why, but I always wake up either screaming or in the middle of the night. The kidnapper looks really familiar and my parents just kinda stand by and let it happen during the dream. I'm only 14 and I don't even wanna sleep because it's really that bad. What should I do? Why am I dreaming of things like this?

Help me find the name of this movie?

its about a guy who seems a little handicapped and he likes to kidnap girls and he will keep them in a room and tie them up to the bed.. he will make the girl roleplay with him and pretend that he is her boy friend and that he is a football player and she is a cheerleader it turns out his brother is a football player. in the end the parents of the girl mistakes his brother as the kidnapper and kills him instead of the actual kidnapper who also turns out to be a pizza delivery guy who had delivered pizza to their house a few times.

Received underage drinking ticket. 3 months until i turn 21?

You're guilty. Grow-up. Take responsibility for your mistakes and learn something from this experience

How much weight would i lose in 3 weeks by doing the following......?

Well you have to tell us how much you digest a day. If the average person digests 1600 and 1500 caloriesis a pound. Mabye 30 pounds. But you want to eat more than that and looseing that much weight is unhealthy and a short period of time. Aimfor 5-7 pounds a week

If you were kidnapped for 2 months...?

I don't think that anyone would ever want to kidnap my ugly self, but if all this happened then I would have brought civil charges against my kidnappers. If they were in jail I would probably will a civil suit against them and included in this would be that overdue fee.

At six flags over Georgia, is there a seperate cost for skull island?

Nope, there's no additional cost. And I believe there are a few small round tables to the left of the bathrooms/season pass processing line in front of the fence by Scorcher, but there aren't any big picnic tables outside. Just the ones inside by the lake.

Ladies, what do you think of this first date?

So I asked a girl out, and I am going to surprise her with what we are doing. She knows we are meeting in a park and seeing fireworks, but that is all. I am planning a picnic lunch in a park on an island in the middle of a lake. We will go for a walk and throw a frisbee or play a game. After this, we will play blind miniature golf where one person is blindfolded and the other walks them between holes and lines them up and tells them where to hit the ball. After this, we go to a July 4th celebration with live music followed by a candle lighting ceremony and fireworks presentation with surround sound music in the evening. How does this sound ladies? And what could I do to spice it up more if possible? Thanks in advance! :-)

Help!! How Do I get out of this deep dark depression?

I need help. For the past couple of years I've been in a bad depression. I have two beautiful kids who I'm so proud of. I want to be happy and be able to enjoy life with them. They make me smile, but this depression, anxiety, feeling so low and horrible affects what we all do. I never want to leave the house. I dread going outside to take them to play. So they usually play inside the house, unless someone else takes them outside. And it's summer I just want to be able to enjoy things with them. I can't though. I hate how I feel since I've gained baby weight. I want to get out and walk, but I'm so depressed I don't want people to see or talk to me. I want to get some sun, but Im scared everybody is going to make fun of how I look. I dread holidays, which is horrible because I'm usually soo excited for them, but the past few have been bad, somehow they always get ruined by people. I hate feeling like this. But, there have been some bad things happen to me in the past and it's hard to pull myself out of this when I have no help. I don't have medical insurance or I would try to get on some medicine. How do I stop caring what other people think?? Please help me out if you know of anyway I can get out of this. Thanks.

Do you think the birthers got it all wrong?

they believe obama was not born in america . but they are wrong he was born in america . BUT he was not raised in america he did not have american upbringing when obama was a child he did not collaborate holidays like the forth of july etc. he would not have the bond with this country that most americans that was born and raised here would have . this is what the birthers should have realized . they had it all wrong and still do . yes he was born here but he was not raised here lived most of his childhood in another country . obama bond is with that other country not america . this is what the birthers should talk about . never mind where obama was born lets talk about where he was raised and with whom he was raised with .

In runescape my woodcutting level is 55 what level would it be in 2 weeks?

i play 2-4 hours a day i was just wondering because its school holidays i wanna see how much levels i can get :)

Why would my ex say all of this?

OK here is the question me and ex girlfriend talking and she was telling me that she was going through some things... she had invited me to her church picnic.. so she said if I came that it would it might help her feel better.. so my question is does she miss me or have feelings for me....m

Help, I'm confused?????????

Omg. Good one troll :D I troll a lot too but on different accounts with weird names like " Llamaworm Yourmaster" so it makes it funnier ;D

A movie about a child that gets kidnapped and held captive on a boat?

Ok. so i'm recollecting this from a long time ago, so i think the child gets kidnapped from his/her school by a guy with a fake mask on and something happens to the mom or whoever, i think he was disguised as the principal, anyway he takes him/her onto a boat and he/she is held captive in a small room below deck and some time goes on and he/she uses some battery or something to set the stove on fire while making the kidnappers tea, while he trys to put the fire out she trys to swim to shore where a man is fishing he sees her and then the kidnapper shoots the fisherman and ends up getting her back on the boat,... thats all i remember can someone tell me what movie it is? I'm dieing to see it!!

Films to get my sister - she's 13, likes musicals, disney channel, nickelodeon, etc?

So me and my sister do this thing each year where we get each other like a bundle of presents on a budget and give them to each other when we go on our summer holiday (italy this year). I want to get her some DVD's off amazon but I'm not sure what to get her. She loves musicals like Little Shop Of Horrors and Rocky Horror (even though she's 13 and it's probably not for her age) and she likes things like glee, the mighty boosh and disney channel and nickelodeon. If anyone had any suggestions of some films she'd like then I'd be greatful! She's already seen all of the chick flick/teen movies like a cinderella story, another cinderella story, wild child, aquamarine, lovewrecked, st. trinians etc etc.Any suggestions would be very welcome! Thanks a lot

What cake can you make at a picnic?

I am having a picnic on tuesday (weather permitting xD) and im baking cake but i dont know what kinda picnic-y cake to make, any ideas?

Friday, July 15, 2011

Is it rude if this happened?

Well 3 of my friends and i want to have a picnic at a park that is about 45 minutes away and the point of that park is to go swimming in the lake there. 2 of the friends and i want to swim but 1 of my friends don't. Is it rude if the 2 friends and i swim while we are there since that will leave out that one friend? That one friend knows that is the only reason we picked that park since there is parks 5 minutes away that doesn't require swimming. would that be rude of us though?

If I walked out from my job, will I get paid for my hours that I have worked?

I work in a chain restaurant, and today there were F words going between me and my manager at the office than finally i said i quit, than he also said he had put me "Walked out" in his computer so i think he will send it to the company. Will i get my holiday pay and hours that i have work before i quitted my job?

Habbo room ideas? (:?

Okay, on Habbo, my friends & I are making a bunch of random rooms. So far, I've made a beach, & a Picnic room. I really want to make more, cause its fun. (: So could anyone give me some ideas on rooms to make? Thanks(:

Can't remember this book title! Help?

It drove me nuts for about an hour b/c I read this and loved it. It is the novella "The Gingerbread Girl" by Stephen King which was included in his collection of stories called "Just After Sunset." And, the novella was released on audio apart from the other stories.

Is it OK for the girlfriend to make a picnic on the second date?

I'm going out with a guy, but it's kind of complicated. We've been flirting with each other, and hinting and being really *really* close friends for over a year now, and we see a lot of each other, so everything kind of counts as a date, but our "second date" is in a few days, and he's really indecisive, which I don't mind too much, but I can't afford to pay if we go somewhere nice, which we probably would, and I'm not going to make him pay again, so would it be weird or not if I made like a picnic and we went to a secluded spot for a few hours, or should I plant the idea in his head so that it's his plan?

Rescued Abused Macaw...Please answer a few questions for me. ;)?

Now he might not like it at first but it sounds like to me that the bird hasn't had a good spray with the water bottle.....get a spray bottle and put it about half way between a mist and stream.....if he has had this done before it won't startle him....even if he tries to evade the water spray might take a couple of times but he will soon come to love it...I have a pair of wild caught Yellow Napes, at first they were scared of the soon as they got used to it they loved it...when they see me with my spray bottle they hang from the tops of their cages with their wings down much like a cockatiel does......also give him plenty of black oiler sunflower seeds (one heaping tbs a day)....they will help his new feathers as they come in...the old feathers are what they are...once they are grown completely in there isn't much you can do other than to give baths..........

Will there be any rare expensive drops on the holidays on runescape?

will there be anything like the party hat or christmas cracker being dropped during holidays anymore?

Where are the best sunset watching spots accessible through the dart system?

Doesn't even have to be a major park or lake, I'm just looking for maybe a small park or campus for a relaxing picnic and some disc golf.

Does my ex gf still have feelings for me?

Yes she still obviously cares about you, unlesss shes trying to be alittle more friendly ;) I know i would never text my ex unless i missed him or cared about him! good luck

Films to get my sister - she's 13, likes musicals, disney channel, nickelodeon, etc?

So me and my sister do this thing each year where we get each other like a bundle of presents on a budget and give them to each other when we go on our summer holiday (italy this year). I want to get her some DVD's off amazon but I'm not sure what to get her. She loves musicals like Little Shop Of Horrors and Rocky Horror (even though she's 13 and it's probably not for her age) and she likes things like glee, the mighty boosh and disney channel and nickelodeon. If anyone had any suggestions of some films she'd like then I'd be greatful! She's already seen all of the chick flick/teen movies like a cinderella story, another cinderella story, wild child, aquamarine, lovewrecked, st. trinians etc etc.Any suggestions would be very welcome! Thanks a lot

Most creative answer gets points!! :)?

How about you buy him a ring and bring cupcakes hide the ring in his cupcake && when he finds it tell him its a promise ring && you promise to be there for the rest of his life !.

More english to french translation, a small paragraph! Can anyone translate for me?

Aussi, il se pourrait que pendant les vacances d'�t� j'aille avec mes amis dans un parc d'attraction au Sud de l'Italie. J'ai h�te ! (We could say "Je suis excit�", but in French, "excit�" has a more sexual meaning, and it wouldn't be appropriate) Nous irons pendant une semaine en Ao�t. Je n'ai jamais �t� en Italie, mais je sais qu'il y fait chaud en �t�.

Dose this guy like me this is a real mystery?

I am telling u know that I have a terrible spelling so okay it allstarted when my cousin came from a country then she was knew didn't know English then like a year past and I was in her apartmen playing (it was her BD) and every one was saying their age and a guy said almost 12 and I said almost12 and he looked at me then wen everyone left we went in te house then I left then the other day I went to my cousins house again and she maid fun of me infront of the guy then when we were playing dodge ball the ball fell in the pool ad he went to get it then my cousins like my marvels fell in their can you get it he looks he tries to get it but gets his ball and leaves and I say my hairband fell their and he asks were i say I don't know it's been a long time a d he just puts the thing down and then we go then few hours later he goes to his house then comes and my cousin tells him I believe in vampires and fairys (that was a long time ago) and he laughs I ask him if he ever gets forwards on his phone he says ya ad it said if u don't read this u will die and he didn't read it and it's been 5 days he's alive then he goes back in and then I say he looks like a vampire and my cousin goes and asks him of he's a vampire and he nods no and she says I told him to ask him then a hour later he has to go somewere with his dad and I say by and then he leaves then another day I come and we play and all and my cousin keeps asking ne if I like him and I keep saying no just becuz I laugh at his jokes doesn't mean I like him and then she gets on my nerves and I say yes but not really and then she keeps talking about him she Says that she's going to tell him I say shut up to her then she gets 1 of my Songs and says that she's going to gI've it to him I take it back then I take her to her house (she slept over) and ten once she calls him a theif a trashpiker and I tell her to **** up ad when she really gets on my nerves I tell her that I was just kidding and I just hot annoyed of her then another day when I go to their house my cousin has to go to a school picnic and she wants to take me and the guy is outside and I'm waiting for my cousin and she finally comes and the guy says that he's waiting for the picnic and my cousin doesn't answer so I say us too and then they make funny things up ad the guy calls my cousin a grandma and says that she always wears thy same shirt and then when my cousin is hitting a tree i get mad at her and she's like o don't touch trees it's nature and I tell her to shut up and then time passes and he goes but my cousins mom says would u rather go to the mall we say yes and we go then we come back I'm circling around and around and then he comes knocks the door and I stop circling and I open it he's talking on the phone he stops says thx ad I say ur welcome and he is waiting for my cousin and then the ball falls acsidently in the pool and my cousi starts a talk about crushes ad she teases me for having an crush on a guy tar is not from my country and ya then he is looking down when we talk about that then we stop ad he goes to papers and says tese pol who took time and money making these and their going to waste and he throws them and I start picking them up and my cousin says u throw trash and she cleans and then he starts helping and my cousin says your such a clean freak and I say what that's what I do in my house and my cousins like all I do in my house is each tv and he's like all I do in my house is play video games and eat chips I laugh then ge goes that's pretty much it so then my cousin comes to my house and says that everyone hates me in get apartment and they think I'm ugly and stuff I get hurt and I say who hates me and she even says his name and I start to wonder and well I know 1 of them for shire hates me lol and then I sy I'll ask them and she sad no don't they will hate my fir telling u now I am going to ask them plz help what should I do in only 11

Is the ice cream truck a kidnapper?

So, lately there have been some ice cream trucks in my neighborhood. The problem is, my neighborhood has about 10 kids, and it only goes in my neighborhood. It doesn't even go in my friends neighborhood, which has about a hundred kids in it. Also, the first ice cream truck that came by was playing music from Legend of Zelda, and it was a shuttle bus (like a shuttle you use to get to the airport). The only thing on it that related to ice cream was a sticker on the back that said "Ice to Meet You" and I just find that a little creepy/stalkerish. And it's been 4 days since I last saw it.. Also 3 days ago there was another weird ice cream truck. I only got a glimpse of it though. This one was playing ice cream music, but it was a white van with graffiti style lettering on the side. It said something & AJ written in graffiti an there was a kid with an ice cream painted graffiti style on it.. And I'm really scared its a rapist/kidnapper/abducter... What do you think.?

What's the name of the movie where the kid gets kidnapped?

A really long time ago I watched a movie about a little boy getting kidnapped. He was taken from a mall and several years later he was found as a teen. He was living in same neighborhood as his real family the whole time. I believe the kids name was David and then the kidnappers changed it to something. I'm thinking Sam but could be wrong. Can anyone tell me the name of this movie??

Would i make a good teacher (characteristics?)?

Working with children, it's either love or hate, there isn't any in between. You either love it or hate it! Also, the term "bratty" is quite telling as to how you feel about this. Sure, kids have bad days, but us teachers that truly love our jobs, don't use that term.

Who was the European woman kidnapped as a teenager and then escaped and now owns her kidnappers house?

I think she was European she didn't speak english and she escaped while her kidnapper was washing his car or something and she's now a adult and owns her kidnappers house.

Can people track me with a cellphone call?

awhile ago i had a phone call from a number i don't know, i answered it cause i thought it would be one of my friends, but then it wasn't one of my friends, then she asked me how old am i, she asked my location, she asked me where i buy load for my sim, she asked me if i know that there's a 10% discount on load, if i buy load in SM (name of malls here in the philippines). then she told me that she called just to say that. im scared the **** out of me, im scared that they might be robbers or murderers or kidnappers, is it possible for them to track me? the length of the cellphone call was 1 minute 34 seconds :-? :| please help :(

What are some good made up horror/thriller movie names?

So, my friend and I are going to be directing a horror movie this summer about a girl who gets kidnapped and held hostage as just a prank by her friends for her birthday than (this parts still a little unthought out) her best guy friend, the leader, suddenly becomes crazy and kills most (maybe all) of her friends and drops them in her room one by one to make her suffer. We came up with the trailer but, not really the movie itself. For the trailer: She's seen with her friends then, she leaves and they whisper and they agree on a plan for the "best birthday ever" So she's gonna be riding ..(skates, bike, etc. idk what yet).. and gets pulled off and get duct tape over her mouth and everything goes black. Than slowly in the background "Ring Around the Rosie" is going to play and scenes of her being kidnapped and flashbacks and flashforwards play faster and faster all leading up to her being killed (in her head) Than there's gonna be a hint of light with a shadow in front of it and she's gonna say "You're the physco" or "You're the one" or something like that and then, it's going to say 'coming soon'. So, do you like the trailer too? The only scene I have thought of is over a speaker that goes intothe room she's being held hostage in (it changes the speakers voice) and he's like "Aren't you hungry? You haven't even touched your soup. You should be lucky my people bring you food" (Or something like that) And then the main girl (the hostage) is like, "Oh I'm sorry, you're the best effing KIDNAPPER EVER!!!" So, like the idea, any improvements? Any parts I should take out?? And most of all, what would be a good title??? Thx so much!! Oh yeah, we're also gonna try to make this into a book/novel too!! P.S. sorry this is so long!!!

Good title for a book about a girl who falls in love with her kidnapper?

She gets kidnapped and falls in love with her kidnapper, he loves her back too. So what would be a good title?

Meteor - Going abroad?

I'm going on holiday this year to France. I live in Ireland and am on the Meteor network. As is my boyfriend. I was wondering, about when I do go on holidays, will I be able to talk to him, and text, and how much will it cost. I've looked it up, but I am kind of confused. I mean, will it cost money from HIM to ring ME from Ireland to France? That's my main question and I would really appreciate an answer :) Thanks!!

Is my workout ok ? I'm a beginner at gym?

Hello I'm 17 I start going gym last week when I go i use most weight machines i take 1 scoop of whey protein after I go gym and 1 scoop of creatine I really want to get in shape for my holidays in 6 weeks so if someone could help me or give me some advice it would me much appreciated thanks

What should I do with a kidnapper on my block?

there is a man that lives 2 streets from me and he kidnapped an 8 year old girl couple weeks ago and was raped in St.Paul.what should I do if he approaches me?

Is there a chance of me getting kidnapped if my dad is an important person?

It depends upon the environment you have been living.If your dad is a "really high power important person" he is a man of social status and why miscreants will venture pick particularly you, not other person? try to be true and courageous.


I'm a sophomore in highschool and I know I've got awhile to think but, what job would be best suited for me, I really just want to help people actively so desk work and guarding evidence isn't really something I want to do all day. I could care less about pay, that doesn't really matter to me as long as I'm helping people. In fact if you want to recommend another police force go ahead. I want to stop drug trafficking/dealing, protect children from domestic abuse, that's a big one. Stop kidnappers. The big stuff. Ive considered st. Luis Pd. But can anybody tell me what you do if your a CIA/FBI special agent or an MP? Thanks!

What's a beach near/in San Francisco?

I would say that rather than fight the traffic getting to Ocean Beach in San Francisco or some other picnic areas around S.F. bay, you head for Bodega Bay in Sonoma county. It is much closer than Stinson Beach coming from Sacto.and on the coast.

What do you think of these theories about salad fingers ?

You are misusing the word theory. This writing sounds similar to that of one of my friend who is diagnosed as a borderline personality.

What is the diffrence beetween Yu Gi Oh! 2010 Shooting Star Dragon Collectible Tin?

and the 2010 YuGiOh 5D'S Holiday Collector's Tin: SHOOTING STAR DRAGON on im really confused the holiday one cost more this the other one cost less

I want to have a picnic for me and my boyfriends anniversary?

i know i want to make apple pie since its his favorite dessert but not sure what else. were only 16/17 so wine is outta the question. I wanna make something from scratch, but i dont know what would fit a picnic. HELP!?

What is the name of this manga?

A man from royalty falls in love with a normal girl. He meets her and i think she gives him a tour or something like that. Then later on before he goes back to his country he asks her if she wants to marry him. She doesn't want to yet in the end she goes with him to his country. Many things happen one of which she gets kidnapped and loses her memory. When her husband comes to rescue her he finds her in bed with her kidnapper with whom she has fallen in love with and has no clue who her husband is. He takes her away by force to his palace. Later on she does gain her memory but she feels suffocated by him so she attempts to kill herself. Then later on she runs away from him. She is a painter and so she makes money by painting. People discovered her when she was painting on a wall. This is as far as I got. Id appreciate if someone could help me wit this thanks :D

Can I wear a bikini on holiday? ?

I 16 and I'm going on holiday in august, I was over weight but now have lost weight and fit nicely into a size 12, I have some severe stretch marks on my hips and legs, can I wear a bikini?

Do theist typically place religious decorations around their homes and churches at holiday times?

the first amendment gives any person the right to place whatever religious things they want on their property- be it home or business or church.

Do we get holidays off at jobcorps?

I was wondering if i get to go home for thanks giving and christmas for the holidays and how long are the breaks?

Why hasn't he asked me out?

he prolly isnt looking for a serious relationship or there prolly is someone else who knows thereare plnty of men

On the tv show "NCIS" i want to know the name of the episode where Ziva is kidnapped in Israel.?

Ziva is kidnapped in Israel and held hostage. Tony and McGee go to save her and also get kidnapped on purpose. at the end Gibbs snipes the kidnapper dude through a window.

What are some recipes that i can make for a picnic?

Well my friends and i are going on a picnic to a lake nearby. I am providing all the food, and the transportation. I need recipes that are yummy, room temperature, before picnic preparation, cheap, will please everyone and absolutely no pineapple since one friend is allergic to pineapple. Any ideas?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Any Summer Holiday Plans?

The summer holiday is coming! Have you planned your summer holiday 2011 yet? going out for traveling?shopping online?visiting friends? I'd love to hear all the juicy details.

Why does my weight keep coming back?

I'm 14 and I recently lost a bit of weight from a small diet I went on but it's one month later and I've put it back on. I have been sticking to the exact same diet I was already on. I have gone to do extra exercise and ate less but all it's made me do is feel hungry! My belly keeps getting swollen and sometimes it really really hurts. I want to get to a size 10 for my summer holidays and i'm currently a size 12 but I just can't get rid of it. What should I do? P.S. Don't tell me if It has anything to do with buying.

Is there anyone who can and will kidnap me?

Ok, this is what i want to know. Is there anyone out there that if they had information on me they would kidnap me and not return me. Also imprison me. Keeping a collar padlocked on me at all times. The kidnappers would be in total control at all times. If there is someone like this then let me know. My yahoo messenger is Sarah_haselton. I have a Facebook if you Want to see my pix.

Am i wrong..? mother in law issues?

The other night my mother in law took my oldest son over night. Well at 10pm (hes 6 mind u) I found out my son wasn't at home in bed with that he was a bonefire with his uncle and aunt 24 and 19. needless to say they had both been drinking and i was upset to find out he wasnt home with his granparents where I thought he was. I sent my husband to get him and when he got there my son had a busted nose... he had run into a picnic table.we contacted his grandmother and she was angery with us for going to get him.. that she felt upset that we didnt respect her dision.we tryed to explain we believed he was in her care home in bed....are we in the wrong ?

What time should I check in on my flight help?

On sunday im off on my holidays and take off of the flights is at 6:30am so what time would I need to check in at? I was thinking 4:30 am? its just a little flight from ireland to spain


I would probably Say something like This is great he has no idea that i well.. yeah how can i tell him

I need help with my jack russell asap! :(?

Show her it's fine to allow others around you and they won't harm you. Have them sit as close to you as she allows and slowly have them edge closer to you. Sorry don't know much about the food aggression

Help me find the name of this movie?

ok the girl is a the daughter of some rich dude while she riding in a limo her driver pulls up to the men who kidnap her. One of the kidnappers is given the job to watch her throughout the movie the two fall in love with each other. the movie ends with the girl ride in a limo and she thinks she is about to get kidnapped again but its really the kidnapper that's she fell in love with.

How to turn off roaming on samsung tocco lite?

Hi everyone, I have a samsung tocco lite, currently on holiday abroad, the red 'R' is on my phone which I think is for roaming, how do I turn it off on the samsung tocco lite phone?thank you in advance

Where to go in O.C for the 4th of July?

My boyfriend and I are moving to Orange County tomorrow. We don't know anyone and we would like to find something to do.. I have looked on the internet and almost everything I have found talks about picnics with family and kid stuff.. we are 25,27 and have no children so.. at night time we could just go to the beach and watch fireworks, but during the day I'm sure my boyfriend wants to drink and what not.. If anyone could give me suggestions..I would appreciate it. Thanks.

What is your idea of a romantic date?

Mine is outside enjoying nature and taking a hike with a picnic basket, finding someplace peaceful and quite to spend time with just me and him. You?

What do I do in this situation?

I was at a school picnic and one of my friends (she's a girl) was sitting away from everyone else and I went to see what the problem is. I got close and turns out, her dad was speaking sternly to her telling her how big her belly was compared to everyone else. She was crying the whole time. He went on for five minutes about how much bigger she was than everyone else. It is true that she is quite large (all of her weight is in her stomach), but I don't know what to do. This girl is a close friend, not a girlfriend.

What are some free or low cost things to do with kids?

I am looking for some things to do in Eastern PA for kids that are free or low cost. We already go to the Library once a week for story time picnic and my daughter seems to really enjoy that. She is 5, and will be starting kindergarten in Sept. Any Ideas?

Were can i have a picnic in Golden Gate Park ?

im looking for a place to have a picnic. Golden gate ark has a lot of gardens an atractions so i m thinking of doing it there. But were in Golden Gate Park are there a lot of picnic tables ?

Why have I, for years on end, always had dreams of being kidnapped?

It seems like an irrational fear. Not so much of being kidnapped, but maybe of the unknown. Your brain is under stress and doesn't know what's going to happen. I doubt it is anything medical, but jic go to a shrink;)

Summer vacation, summer holiday or summer break?

which one is it ?. what do they call it where you live ? .. where i live, we call it summer holidays

Weuld you be pissed if your boyfriend never texted you?

I understand you. He might be busy out on a vacation or with family. If he wanted space he should have told you. But trust me its important to keep contact with your bf or gf so yes i'd b pissed off too

Does she still have feelings for me..?

OK here's the question my ex invited me to this picnic n she also told me that she was gong through something n all... then she came saying that if I was their that it would help her feel better... then there something that came up n I forgot to give her a call n all.. she called me saying that I wasn't right... my question is does she miss me... n was she out of line for fussing me out...

I am confused and need advice?

She might have gone somewhere, had connection problems, wanted a little "me" time, or something along those lines. She probably is still interested: what kind of friend do you kiss a lot? Just send an email saying 'what's up?' or something like that.

Going out for dinner with my crush, help, im nervous!?

One of my best friends has just split up with his girlfriend of 7 months (he dumped her), he suggested that we meet up in the summer holidays so we are going to xscape and do the adventure course then for dinner. It's just me and him, he knows that I like him. Does he like me?he'd flirts with me all the time and always puts loads of x's at the end of messages to me, I'm really nervous and don't want any awkwardness at dinner, how can I make sure we have fun and everything flows well?thanks, were both 15 btw!x

Long term side effects of coming off the contraceptive pill?

I came off the pill in February of this year, after being on it for 10 years, as me and my husband want to have a baby. I had a period 6 weeks after coming off the pill,then had my first proper period 4 weeks after that around the 8th April, then another period 4 weeks after that on the 8th May and since then ive had nothing. I have broken out in spots that don't seem to be clearing and feel so fat and bloated all the time. Im going on holiday in 3 months and have been eating a healthy balanced diet and gyming it 5 times a week but can't seem to loose any weight. I just don't get it im trying so hard to be healthy but it just seems wasted effort, and I know there is no chance of getting pregnant with my periods all messed up which Is adding to my constant mood swings. Im also feeling quite down in the dumps a lot and frankly its really pissing me off, which makes me feel worse. is there anyone else experience these symptoms when they came off the pill? and how long did it take for you to feel normal?

I'm so embarrassed! Please help, need opinions!!?

I wouldn't give this a second thought if I were you. Don't worry about the weird neighbors, trust me they have issues too. What they think about it doesn't mean a thing. Let them think what they want and frankly it's none of their business what you do or what goes on in your home. I think they know you're not druggies or child abusers and your husband doesn't beat you. I think they might be curious but I really wouldn't think it could be more than that. I mean it's not the first thing I would think of if I saw cops at a neighbors house. If they ask, just tell them that you had a small issue with someone prank calling you and you weren't sure what to do but thought you should report it. Something on those lines if you don't want to tell them what really happen. I wouldn't say the baby did it. That's all that needs to be said and if they start questioning you, find something to say that might imply that they're just being too nosy. Really, don't give this another thought. It really is ok and I'm glad you and the hubs could work out your differences. Take care

I don't know the places of my holidays.. help me!!?

I'd like a place in Europe. Sea or big city such London or Paris.. but islands on Mediterranean.. Could you tell me your experience?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

My partner can't accept my child from a previous relationship. Help!!!!!!?

I have been going out with my fianc� for the last two and a half years. Things were magical at the start we got on great and we were always happy. I have a 10 year old daughter from a previous relationship and I told my fianc� from the very start that she was in my life. She seemed fine at the beginning and even got on great with my child. We used to go for picnics and done stuff together. We are now living together the past year and since then things have started to go really down hill. Every time my child stays for weekends my fianc� turns into a completely different woman. She says that she is finding it hard to accept the whole situation. She says she is jealous that she will not be able to give me my first born and that she will never be able to have the "perfect" family. We are due to be married next year but this is really causing me to have doubts. I love my fianc� so much and she says that she loves me and that also if she wants me she will have to put up with this. I don't want her to just put up with this I want her to fully accept it and move on together. I don't know what to do. It's not fair on anyone involved especially my child who clearly knows that something is not right everytime she come to stay. Please help me. My life is turning upside down.

Immigration at man airport uk?

Yes hi i was wondering about immigration when i arrive at man airport in the uk for the first time. what will it be like. i am visiting a friend for 2 weeks in the uk she has written me a letter stating that i am allowed to stay with her for my 2 week holiday. and will provide me with food. i also have a round trip ticket back. i will have 200 pounds in cash and more in my debit card. i am from usa. do u see any problems with any of this? any help would be much appreciated. first time flyer. very nervous thanks again!

What if there were cameras everywhere? would you protest against it?

if we had the money and the resources to place cameras in every nook in cranny there is on earth would you protest against it. i mean from now on we could stop kidnappers and terrorist and all the other bad things that happen to us probably completely. The only bad things i can think of implementing this sort of thing is that are privacy would be infringed upon and an evil government could use it to enslave us or some weird junk like that. Im a pretty private person and have a horrible body image about myself and feel totally freaked out when a dude in the locker room stares at me. All in all i think i would be willing to sacrifice my privacy to ensure peace and safety. Anyways,whats your views on this?

Life/death situation! please answer-really easy?

I would use the foil wrapper from the chewing gum and the lenses from my glasses to focus a beam of sunlight on a fixed point so that it would heat up, and eventually start on fire. The fire alarms would go off, and the kidnappers would be forced to land the plane. When they came back to see where the fire was, I would scatter mints all over the floor so they would trip and fall. Then I would exit the plane and make my escape.

Urgent: How should I continue to store this Merlot wine?

Store it in the refrigerator. That will be far better than where you have it now. It would be great if you had an inert gas to lay upon it. I brew beer and have a tank of CO2 and that would be better than nothing. The idea is to keep the ravaging effects of oxidation off the wine. The well stoppered bottle stored in the dark cool refer will do for now. Try to drink it soon, very soon.

Are you allowed to Barbecue in Marineland?

Hi, I'm going to Marineland and I was just wondering if you are allowed to barbecue in the picnic areas.

Why won't my boyfriends parents let him stay over at mine?

ok so i've been with my boyfriend for about 3 years now. we love each other so much and we're really happy together. we have always lived about 40 mins to about an hour away from each other so we usually only met up once a week. we now go to the same uni & get to see a lot more of each other during the week which is great but during the summer and holidays it goes back to once a week. the problem is that organising a way to meet up can sometimes be difficult and sometimes we don't get too long together. I've suggested that he stay over at mine for a night or a few days even so we can have a bit longer together and have more time to go places together like the cinema or even a night out which is harder to do when its only a visit for the day. He always replies that his parents are never too keen on the idea and he says that they are very old fashioned like that. I would understand that he wouldn't have much choice when he was younger but we are both 19 now nearly 20 and it's frustrating that he still seems to have no freedom. I see other couples stay over at each others or go away on holidays with each other and that is also out of the question because of his parents. My parents also don't understand why they are so against this as it would make things a lot handier sometimes. It just feels a bit unfair & i wish he would try a bit harder to open their minds a bit but i feel like he will just do what ever they say no matter what. I feel like if he doesn't speak up a bit more for the things he wants to do it'l always be like this. Another thing that is strange is that i have only been to his house once for his formal and it's always my house that he visits. Again i think this is something to do with his parents. I'd just like to know is this common for anyone else at this age & is there anything i can do to change it or persuade my boyfriend to try harder with them so he can have more freedom?

If I deposit a check on Friday when will it clear?

If I deposit a check into my account at wachovia Friday around 4:30..when will it clear? Saturday? or Tuesday (because Monday is a holiday).

Beginner looking to buy a piano?

I got an electric keyboard at Target for around $100! The stand collapses so it's easy to travel with. Hope I helped! ;)

Love or infatuation? please help?

Omg thats sooo cute :) you definately love her fpr her and physical attraction is not a bad thing!!! I wish you the best of luck <3


This plot is very overdone really.. the girl that takes it in stride with the attitude is a bit diffrent but i am betting you are gong to have them fal in love blah blah.... trust me if i kidnapped you or any female they would not fall in love with me but instead stab me first chance they got and run.... its a silly plot line... BUT that aside would it be read most likely young Nieve girls love this sorta story so write away


Ok so i met this guy who is puerto rican and italian and he's super hot and sweet:) he lives in another state and wants to spend time with me when i come back. I was thinking that maybe we could have a picnic at the park. Should i make some food that may interest him culturally? And if you dont think a picnic is a good idea, what else could we do?

Had a dream that I was kidnapped?

A very mysterious dream actually so was there any play beeing played on the stage? Maybe you are just feeling that you're cultural needs are dead try watching a good movie or anime

Advise my family is not understanding!!?

me and my bro want to join swimming classes as we r having summer holidays..we have swimming experience there is a coach over there too but they don't allow us to go they don't even allow us to go in anearby park..i m 19 years old and my bro is it's tym for my university nw as i m done with my high school but for uni one need to prepare for entry test even if u hve good grades and for entry test we have to go to other city..that other city is just at a drive of 2 hours away from here but my parenst are not letting me go there i donno y.. i tried to ask them a several times the reason for having restrictions upon us but thye neva give any satisfied answer..they even never reply to our answers and if we even say them we want to go outside they ignore us and often says that their children are saying them to let us go to university bad?is going to swimming bad?i tried to make them understand the things several times but they don' they r very rich people not poor that they can't afford our studies..please give an advise

Confused, please help? Sorry, it's long.?

Alright. Last night my girlfriends sister had a party for her birthday. A lot of people showed, it was from 6-10pm. Great night, nothing could make it better til something did. My girlfriend got there (home, where the party was) around 7:30pm. I've been with her going on 8 months. Before we dated me and her best friend had something going, we'd talk everyday, flirt, laugh, her and I were almost in love, if we weren't already. Currently, she has a boyfriend and I have a girlfriend. She came over to the party upset about him controlling her and telling her not to go, buy the way the ages between us for range from 16-18. We were all sitting by the fire, she was sitting next to my girl and I was sitting at a picnic table about 10 feel away. Her and I were texting, I was telling her to enjoy herself at the party. Than that lead into deep eye contact and flirting. My feelings for her haven't changed at all. Getting to the point, it was time to go home. My girl, her friend and I were in front waiting on my ride. I had a "headache" so I asked my girl to get me a pill. She did, and in that time, I asked her friend for a kiss. We kissed, not just a lip kiss done, but we kissed. Not making out but open lip. At the time of the kiss, everything was still, nothing mattered no one was visible but her. Everything stayed still. I was happy, because there wasn't fighting and arguing like my current relationship. That night, she spent the night with my girl. After my girl went to bed, her friend and I talked, late. Like 2 hours, til 4 in morning. We caught up on a lot. We started texting this morning, but she has work. She ALREADY got into an argument with her current boyfriend. She told me she didn't know how much she missed me til we kissed. Why am I feeling like this, is she leading me on. Oh, and she said she still loved me, and calling me her bay. Please, I need someone to read this!

Is there a way to learn krav mag well from my house?

you see i want to learn martial art but my dad can't seem to get in contact to a martial arts master and i am sort of tired of waiting. so i can tell you two things i am skinny and big not sure about strong but i think from a scale to one to ten i would be 5. so you see there is a large amount of bullies in my class (3!!!!!) i know what your thinking but that is half my class! i have 6 people in my class if you want me to do the math. know you see i am worried they will somehow corner me out of school and force me into a fight since well they decided i am a nice person to pick on it would make my life easier if i knew how to protect my self if that happened i am at the summer holidays and i hoped by next year i would be stronger then them. there is one of them who is even taller then me and fat that is a major Advantage if you don't know how to fight is there a way to get stronger then him in 2 months from your hose without a teacher!?

Test your GM abilities......... hockey?

I'd move Marc Andre Fleury because they have a very capable backup in Brent Johnson...13-5 with a 2.17 Gaa... I never count on goalies, they're quite an odd bunch. For a goalie to be consistent year after year is probably the hardest thing to do in hockey.

What is the drug people use on a napkin to put other people asleep?

in movies u see a kidnapper going up behind someone with a napkin or a tissue full of this liquid drug that puts you to sleep. what was the name of it? or the chemical we use to make you sleep? i wanna use the word in my rap.

I packed my car and left my parents' house this morning... ?

Maybe you can get two part time jobs? And can sign up for some sort of money plan or something? Maybe you should move in with your friend and save up your money until you can afford a house. please don't cry my mom and step dad are always threatening to break up and he's kicked me and my mom out before.

I don't feel safe at home?

okay, so lately I'm hearing stories about people who break into houses at night and kidnap or kill families, even if the stories aren't true, it could happen in real life. I've been so scared lately. Every time I hear a creak I immediately think, 'Oh no, someone is breaking in.' I know I'm overreacting but I'm so afraid. I actually don't feel safe in my house because of all these stories I'm hearing. I was watching Ghost Adventures last night and they were at the house in Villisca where there was that mass murder. Someone broke into the house and bludgeoned six kids (four were family, two were sleeping over) and the two parents to death with an ax. The kids were only 5-12 years old and the parents in their 40s. And there was this preview for a movie where these kidnappers broke into a house and kidnapped the family. It's all making me so scared. Please help? By the way, I'm 13 (just turned).

Caring for a disabled gent who gets more than he should?

There, my friend, is the problem with socialist governments. They breed dependency and destroy self-reliance.

What's going on in his mind?

Alright so this guy and I met and we kind of hit it off, we started texting constantly and then he invited me to hangout and said he had a surprise. He took me to his house and he had this whole little living room picnic set up and it was adorable. We started watching a scary movie and his arm was around me and all that, but then we decided to go for a walk. Anyways that was going good, but then when he walking me home, he started getting kinda quiet. He walked me all the way to my front door and then we hugged good bye, and he was like "have a nice rest of the day" (it was like 7:30) and then he waited for me to go inside and he just left. I texted him awhile later saying that the picnic was really sweet, and thanks. and he texted back "hahaha no problem :) " He's a bit older than me and he's never really quiet, so I was confused. We haven't texted since, so can anyone tell me what might of been on his mind?

Are there any football matches in spain between 23rd nd 5th august.?

coming from india for a holiday and would really like to see a match.Going to be Madrid,Barcelona,Seville and Valencia.

Movie where girls pretend to kidnap their friend on her birthday?

I saw the start of this movie once, in which these teen girls pretend to be kidnappers and kidnap their friend on her birthday as a gag. They then discover that she died from suffocation (something like that) in their car.

How to help your boyfriend through a rough patch?

me and my boyfriend are going through a rough patch! we do love each other but I think it's because we spend so much time together! I'm going on holiday next Saturday and i will be gone for 3 weeks so we have time apart but he wont listen and thinks we should break up?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Apart from Philippines, in which other countries are the the Chinese-kidnapping-for-ransom gangs operate?

the whole world is at risk. especially liberal western democracies who emphasize too much on human rights. the chinese love to take advantage of that.

What do you think will happen?

well i'm writing a story and in one part the girl gets kidnapped by her boyfriend's ex best friend and she is held for ransom considering the fact that the guy is filthy rich.he also has to show up alone for some 'revenge'. the guy who kidnapped his girlfriend likes his girlfriend, i'm thinking "during her ordeal what will the kidnapper do to her to make her stay an unforgettable one?"

Could you text 911 for an emergency?

What if you were hiding from a kidnapper and you couldn't call because he would hear the operators voice?

Good Kidnapping music for play?

I wrote a comical play and there is a scene where the kidnapper (wearing a stocking over his head) is trying to kidnap a woman. They struggle for a few seconds and finally the music is cut off short as soon as she escapes. Any good music suggestions? Im open to anything from instrumental to lyrical. THANKS!

Going to meet this guy on Sunday for the first time?

Well we have seen each other quickly before, but we didn't know each other. So how can I look really good? He likes me but I dont like him like that. But I still want to impress. Were going to a picnic. What should I wear?

Does anybody know the name of this movie?

Its something about people kidnap other people and sell them to rich people. The rich people then get their rocks off by killing them and watching them die. I think there is a dude that kidnaps a female and when they are about to kill her she pays them to kill her kidnapper instead and she becomes part of the kidnapping team.

Who is responsible for the kidnapping of Erica?

It's gotta be Asher...if you listen to the kidnappers voice it follows the same pattern as Ashers...same accents on syllables. Plus he is a computer guy...all the info he got on her could easily come from the internet and is what he does. Thoughts?

How would police go about arresting a suspected kidnapper?

They would take the girl and the kidnappers to the station seperately, to be questioned. If enough evidence, they would arrest the kidnappers. Of course, the kidnappers would be handcuffed when they are found and brought to the station. The police would have enough probable cause to cuff them and bring them to the station. If enough evidence is had by the police before they find the kidnappers they will arrest them on the spot.

What are some good made up horror/thriller movie names?

So, my friend and I are going to be directing a horror movie this summer about a girl who gets kidnapped and held hostage as just a prank by her friends for her birthday than (this parts still a little unthought out) her best guy friend, the leader, suddenly becomes crazy and kills most (maybe all) of her friends and drops them in her room one by one to make her suffer. We came up with the trailer but, not really the movie itself. For the trailer: She's seen with her friends then, she leaves and they whisper and they agree on a plan for the "best birthday ever" So she's gonna be riding ..(skates, bike, etc. idk what yet).. and gets pulled off and get duct tape over her mouth and everything goes black. Than slowly in the background "Ring Around the Rosie" is going to play and scenes of her being kidnapped and flashbacks and flashforwards play faster and faster all leading up to her being killed (in her head) Than there's gonna be a hint of light with a shadow in front of it and she's gonna say "You're the physco" or "You're the one" or something like that and then, it's going to say 'coming soon'. So, do you like the trailer too? The only scene I have thought of is over a speaker that goes intothe room she's being held hostage in (it changes the speakers voice) and he's like "Aren't you hungry? You haven't even touched your soup. You should be lucky my people bring you food" (Or something like that) And then the main girl (the hostage) is like, "Oh I'm sorry, you're the best effing KIDNAPPER EVER!!!" So, like the idea, any improvements? Any parts I should take out?? And most of all, what would be a good title??? Thx so much!! Oh yeah, we're also gonna try to make this into a book/novel too!! P.S. sorry this is so long!!!

Does anybody have any date ideas?

We have been dating for about 2 months. Ive kinda run out of ideas. Last week we just watched movies at my house which i like doing but i just dont want her to get bored. We are both in college and live with our parents. We have been hiking and shopping and to the water park. The thing is its supposed to rain tonight so im not sure what to do bc i did have a picnic planned for some time. We go out to eat alot so i guess i could take her dinner. im old enough for a bar but she is just 20 so thats out. If i ever ask her what she wants to do or likes to do she just says "i dont care or i dont know." I feel like a loser sometimes bc i dont have a lot of friends that do anything so i cant ever take her out with friends. idk what to do other than a dinner and a movie..

Why is kidnapping so bad?

i do not understand why people that kidnap people can get life is prison why there are alot more violent offense that people get lesser sentences for. like there are time when people murder and only get like 10 years. whats so bad about a kidnapper that makes it worse than any other violent offense

Clubbing holiday crisis!?

How do you do, to go to a party or is the party are inseparable from the ornament of clothes and decoration. Of course, shoes is indispensable the same. When you don't know how to wear shoes, to give you some advice, hope you can become the most pertinent. I wish you good luck!

What movies have the best "twist" endings?

The Mist is good. When the car broke down and they decided to commit suicide after hearing the monster approaching. The main hero found out he was short one bullet to off himself. Then he faced the origin of the sound, turned out it was military vehicles, just a minute away from saving them. I lol'ed

A film about the kidnappers?

The kids went out for a walk in the woods, there was like a house on a tree, and a thief stole a girl's doll, and she accused of the boy. Then the man kidnapped that boy and they became to be a friends. It's not a not a thriller or action movie.

What are the best foods to have at a bonfire picnic?

Going to my brother's bonfire 5 hours away. I am not going to bring anything healthy or weird or something I've never heard of the ingredients. I am not interested in some kind of strange cheese dip or vegetable something or other. I am talking about real unhealthy foods that everyone loves and will be the first thing gone on the table.

How to decorate a 2 yr olds barnyard / western themed party?

one idea is to tie bandannas on to things such as light posts or table legs. another idea for the boots is to have flowers coming out of them. to go more with the western there you could fill them with tall straw or something of that nature. You could also drape a cowboy hat over the boots.

I think i did something?

ok so im a housekeeper at Holiday Inn and yesterday when i was making a bed my wrist started to hurt and i didnt think anything of it but as the day continued it started to hurt more and more and then today as i was making more beds my wrist hurt again and it started to hurt more and more again and i looked at it today and it looks a little bit bigger than my other wrist and when i move it it hurts and idk if i sprained it or wat but do u have any suggestions like should i go to a doctor or should i wrap it or wat

Does she miss me or need me?

OK my ex said to me that if I would come and see her at the.picnic that it would help her feel better.... so way is she telling me....

10 POINTS! Do you know any kidnapper movies?

Sounds like you're trying to satisfy a fantasy of sorts, there are many websites online that hols databases of movies, where you can search keywords such as "horror" or "kidnapping" and find many results.

What would you do if u were kidnapped?

and you were raped and beatan and suffered without food or water and was held with the kidnapper for 10 years than u were finally found (:

How to encourage someone to save money?

At the end of every day, throw your loose change into a tub; that's anything under �1. You'll be surprised just how much that builds up too. I have done this for years (although I cheat a little as I include anything I win in quizes or the unused fare if I walk home from a night out rather than catching a bus). The most I have saved is about �400 and that has paid for a 'booze cruise' (North West England to Calais, hotel, ferry and some of the booze :) )

What should i do to surprise my gf when i visit?

Okay everybody my gf lives in virginia. I will be visiting her when i go to my family reunion, which is fifteen minutes away. I am also staying with her and her family. ( it consists of her brother her mom,her, and one of her brothers. this is the family living in the house she has alot more) Now she spoils me an buys me alot of stuff any time i show her something i like or i want to save up for she wants to buy it for me . (trust me now ive learned to keep stuff i want to save up for or stuff i like to myself although even when i don't tell her she still knows somehow i don't know how). I love her very much so since i cant afford to buy her extravagant gifts i decided to plan a romantic surprise for her. I have enlisted the help of my mother, her mother, and her brother who are going to take her out somewhere while i plan and make it. But idon'tt know what to do. I have three ideas. While they all take her to walmart (they live in a small country townthat'ss the mallbasicallyy) i make a romantic candle lit dinner. Then i call my mother when it is done and they drop her off at the house telling her to clean it while they gosomewheree else. idea number 2: Romantic picnic i make the picnic while they take her out and when they get back i simply show her the basket and take her out for the picnic . idea three is slightly different from idea 2 in this one her brother stays home an when im done packing it he helps me find a nice grassy field on there property and i set it up like a romantic surprise. Then when she gets home i say lets go for a walk an i walk her over to it an surprise her that way. Which one of these ideas do you like the best? I like all of them but cant decide. also i am open to any other ideas you might have we are under 21 so we cant drink alcoholl.

Would my two budgies be okay in their cage for a week while i'm away on holiday?

They will be fine for a week without time out of the cage, as long as there is someone that can check their food and give them fresh water each day. A little bit of companionship during the day won't go amiss either, to make up somewhat for being shut in.

Anything wrong with getting married January 7, 2012?

It's the beginning of the year and I was wondering do you think this date would be inconvienant for my guests? or is it just fine? I recently wanted it in December but had to change it so now I'm thinking about this date I'm trying to make the date at a time where it's not in the middle of the holidays etc and so forth! please help!

Monday, July 11, 2011

(Disneyland Resort) Ordered World of Color picnic meals, best time to pick up?

So I just ordered 4 picnic meals for a 9PM showing of World of Color, and I'm aware that my meals and reserved viewing tickets are available to pickup between 11:30am to 8PM. Is it better to pick them up early in the day so my family and I would have a better chance of getting in the blue viewing area?

Parents are forcing me to go on holiday!?

i'm sure they just want you to be there and spend time with you, but you might enjoy it once you're there ! after all, they are your family :D

What is the title of this nice movie?

What is the title of this movie? A woman was kidnapped by a truck drivers on the desert of US,on her way to texas or vegas(cannot remember) after her car malfunctioned in the middle of the desert road. Her husband tried to searched her and found her in the storage,locked underground near the kidnappers home.

Could you recommend me a list of films to buy/watch, In which in your opionion are great films?

I need some films to watch,As i am going away alot in the summer holidays to a place where there is no Tv unfortuantly. All i have is my laptop which i'm going to use as a dvd player. please no chick flicks or Romance, :D

What would be the maximum punishment if someone committed this crime?

There are any number of crimes that they could be charged with. The first question is why didn't they just notify the police. The second question is why didn't they have the good sense to carry guns instead of baseball bats.

Good sun cream for the face?

I'm going on holiday soon &am looking for advice on a gd quality sun cream for my face. I find the regular body ones too greasy on my face, they really clog up pores. Price range �15-20. Was thinking about Clinique, maybe estee lauder. Also heard Vichy does one- has anyone ever tried it? I like their regular moisturisers.

Are there fireworks going off any other night this weekend besides the actual 4th of july in the seattle area?

The fourth of july is my favorite holiday and I would like to see fireworks go off fri sat sun and moday in the tacoma-seattle area! Anyone know of any places doing that?

Amusement park job in indiana?

I want a job at an amusement park indiana next year called holiday world but I live in illinoise about 2 or 2and a half hours away and one of the bus routs to get there are in owens burrow or evenisvill and it would be a summer job would it be a good idea to work ther

Do you remeber this song?

two girl were kidnapped. Jhon cena along with two more guy went to rescue them.but finally kidnapper explode the bomb were girl were kept. And then jhon cena and those two guys failed to save them . and then song ends.

What should I text him now please ?

Sorry to tell you but he doesn't sound interested. Best thing is not to text back at all and go really quiet. Bet you get a call in a few days

The 'ol telephone question.?

I am friends with this man who can't live with me nor can he live without me kind of thing. He calls me more than I call him but for some reason he does not like it so much when I call him. Recently while we were having a picnic the held me and said, honey please let me call you..don't call me (hangovers were the only mention at the time). I did not want to go into detail because I refuse to get heavy on a summer picnic. He is quite demanding and when he wants me I always come running he loves to drink and he leaves many messages. He gets angry when my answering machine is on but yet he does not want me to call him? What's up with all this?

Are spring assisted-knifes/switchblades legal in West Virginia?

Spring assisted knives are illegal in West Virginia and under there law it is illegal for any minor to carry any knife.}{

Do you have "couple" friends and how does it work?

I usually get along better with the wives of my husband's friends than he does with the husbands of my friends. Maybe, instead of having just your friends over, mix it up?


Ok so i met this guy who is puerto rican and italian and he's super hot and sweet:) he lives in another state and wants to spend time with me when i come back. I was thinking that maybe we could have a picnic at the park. Should i make some food that may interest him culturally? And if you dont think a picnic is a good idea, what else could we do?

How to avoid somebody you see everyday?

So these guests are staying at my house and they are the epitome of rude and annoying. We're having a family picnic tomorrow. During these picnics, I usually wander about and hang out with my favorite. My older sister told me that I could hang out with her, my cousin, and her favorite cousin so we could avoid the guests. I agreed, since it sounds fun and relaxing, and it'd be easy to avoid them with some help. I just know, I just have that feeling in my gut, that the guests will follow us around. Here's an example: Last year me and my cousin used large wooden sticks to knock berries out of trees. We used two cups to wash the berries and strain the water out. This year's estimation: The guests will drag the sticks across the ground to spell out something very stupid, then they will spill the berry water and eat all the berries. PLEASE HELP!

Would you consider me spoiled?

I wouldn't call you spoiled. You just have a lot of stuff. Spoiled is where you always get what you want whenever you want it, but hardly ever use it.

Why is it most Mexicans are Kidnappers?

Here's the link: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

My Video Card Gt220 Reaches 105 Degrees?

350W is awfully small for a gaming system. Go for the new power supply. Get a 650W rather than a 500W.

What should I do? Get a PS3 or buy Xbox 360 games?

Okay during these upcoming holidays I'm planning on buying an HDTV (about either a 37 or 42 inch one) and a speaker system when they are having sales (hopefully going to go out on blackfriday for something). I'm wondering about getting either a PS3 or Xbox games this upcoming Sept (I'll have money for either one). By the time I get it I'll be done with my xbox live gold so I'll have to rebuy a 12 month card for that which is anywhere between $48-$59 and wondering if it will be worth it or to go with the PS3 (free online gaming) as I also was thinking about the ps3 as I want to get a tv that can play 3D movies/Games and I want to get the Star Wars Movies on Blu Ray this fall. On the other hand if I just got games and the xbox live gold card then I can get some extra games and wont need to buy games for the PS3 (which I would do in time, but I will get like 3 games when I get the ps3). I have and enjoy DIXV format movies which the xbox won't play but the PS3 would. I'm planning on getting a used PS3 if I do get it. What do you think I should do?

What would be your personal favorite date to go on?

The perfect date is a trip to WAL-MART with my girlfriend followed by a romantic dinner at Taco Bell or McDonald's.

Need date Ideas NOW!!! Help!!?

Tomorrow is my girlfriends and I's 3 month anniversary and the forecast is rain so that ruins my picnic plans. So I need some help on making another romantic date. My girlfriend and I do not have sex because we are waiting for the right time. Just so you all know. Please just help :P I really want to make this a good date since she wont see me for a week and half since I am going out of town! Any Ideas!

Where is a place in Northern Virginia to have a waterfront picnic?

I was tasked by a group I'm involved in to plan a picnic between Maryland and southern Virginia, preferably along a waterfront. We don't need a grill, just picnic tables. Does anyone know a nice place in the northern VA area? Im not familiar with VA at all.

Could you withstand being tortured in the worse possible ways for a week?

In order to save the world, lets say that you had the codes to nuclear bombs and you were kidnapped and you were the only thing in the way of a nuclear holocaust which would result in the destruction of human civilization and the kidnappers stayed that if you give us the codes you will die quickly but if not it will the the worst type of death,being tortured for a week. Would you break?

I really am being driven mad by these people people! don not complain just read all of it?

look i don't want to get into a fight i really don't i have been holding back for half an year now and finally it summer holidays and i can collect my thoughts. i have joined this school half an year a go and they somehow nailed me as a nerd since i bother doing my work instead of wrestling with the teacher and chatting and playing on my phone. so they start picking on me. really i also made friendly on the people they call nerds one is in my class really not popular with the school but one thing that strikes me confused is that it seems like he almost encourages it i try protecting it and the bullies of the school make fun of me for doing so and he just laughs with them not to mention he acts sort of weird so really i won't add up to me being angry because of him i will just let him do what he wants and if he wants me to help him he can always just ask. oh and here is another thing i forgot to mention i am very big i am nearly the size of my dad (doubt i will finish growing at his height if i get my height from my mom) and i think i am strong enough to take there leader on. i have another friend he is considered a nerd yes but every body likes him and he is very much considered a politician if you take us and try seeing our skills i will be a strategist and he would be a diplomat. anyway as he puts it we are in group and those group has leaders he is the leader of my group (did i mention my school is small there are 6 people in my class and that is the average amount of a class) and the leader of the group that drives em mad is ishai he is very small and considers himself stronger then me really i never cared how strong i am until i came to this school. so thought this summer i will learn a martial arts but i have this question to all you senseis should i get into a fight with deliberately wait it since he won't stop picking on me until i beat him and i have a limit usually push away anger to a far corner of my mind but even i have a limit i won't fight him at school courses if he provokes me i will go to a teacher but i am wworriedfor out of school since if he manages to provoke me out of school and i get a bit too angry i won't aim to beat him sadly i will aim to beat him i will aim to kill him. you might think i aexaggeratingthat i should not get angry but everyone has a limit i am not a guy with anger issues i know how to control my emotions but as i said everyone has a limit.

Help, I'm confused?????????

If your a kid maybe under 10 he may be trying to attract you by acting as a giant teddy bear and next time if he comes don't take the chocolate it may be drugged.

Is faliraki a really rough place to go on holiday?

If you want to avoid the Chavs, then avoid "Bar Street". Falaraki has a lot more to offer than that.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Wife doesn't want me to go away for uncles Wedding.?

Book flights for her to go out with you on the friday evening, you stay, she returns home on the Sunday evening. The following weekend, she flies out again on the Friday, you both return home together on the Sunday. That way, you have 4 days alone, but the weekends together.

Why does he refuse to get a nanny camera?

Your family is right. You should seek counseling. If you are that worried about the nanny, you should get a different one. Your husband knows what he's talking about. Another camera will probably make you worse.

Im in the mood for a good kidnapping movie?

Showdown in Little Tokyo - Dolph Lundren and Brandon Lee. Dolph is protecting an asian girl, about halfway through the movie they get attacked by the Yakuza he has been protecting her from and she is taken. Lots of violence, high body count, nudity, language... all par for the course in an early 90's action flick.

Do I Have A Potential Alcohol Problem?

I am 14 year old male (120 lbs) and my parents give me a small glass of wine on the holidays and I absolutely love the taste and feel of it. Ive never been drunk or anything, but I crave it a lot and sneak sips pretty often. I'm not a bad kid, i have never done drugs, i have never done serious drinking, but I'm afraid this could become a problem soon...

Ear infection or ruptured?

what the difference? I have been getting shooting pains in my ear for about 2 weeks now but with 4th of July, the free clinic will be closed so any relief for hte weekend so I can enjoy the holiday would be nice :) I tried peroxide and 2 different kinds of ear drops. The last round of ear drops that I started last week really helped or I would have gone to the doctor this week but it took a sudden turn for the worse about a few hours ago and the pain is now constant.

How should i word this letter?

The girl i like is in Switzerland so i decided i would send her an invitation to a date to have a picnic and go to the zoo and i was wondering how i should word that. here is how my sentience starts and im just wondering how to finish it. "You are cordially invited to..." your help is greatly appreciated thanks!

What is the name of this film?

A girl gets abducted, and the mother has brief visions of her whereabouts. The kidnapper is actually a college friend of the girl who fell in love with her and paints loads of pictures of her, and ends up taking her away from her boyfriend as to protect her after an argument. Later on he confesses to the mother after she suspects him, but gets run over in his panic later on and dies. The girl is eventually found under ground and nearly dies from dehydration