Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What should i do to surprise my gf when i visit?

Okay everybody my gf lives in virginia. I will be visiting her when i go to my family reunion, which is fifteen minutes away. I am also staying with her and her family. ( it consists of her brother her mom,her, and one of her brothers. this is the family living in the house she has alot more) Now she spoils me an buys me alot of stuff any time i show her something i like or i want to save up for she wants to buy it for me . (trust me now ive learned to keep stuff i want to save up for or stuff i like to myself although even when i don't tell her she still knows somehow i don't know how). I love her very much so since i cant afford to buy her extravagant gifts i decided to plan a romantic surprise for her. I have enlisted the help of my mother, her mother, and her brother who are going to take her out somewhere while i plan and make it. But idon'tt know what to do. I have three ideas. While they all take her to walmart (they live in a small country townthat'ss the mallbasicallyy) i make a romantic candle lit dinner. Then i call my mother when it is done and they drop her off at the house telling her to clean it while they gosomewheree else. idea number 2: Romantic picnic i make the picnic while they take her out and when they get back i simply show her the basket and take her out for the picnic . idea three is slightly different from idea 2 in this one her brother stays home an when im done packing it he helps me find a nice grassy field on there property and i set it up like a romantic surprise. Then when she gets home i say lets go for a walk an i walk her over to it an surprise her that way. Which one of these ideas do you like the best? I like all of them but cant decide. also i am open to any other ideas you might have we are under 21 so we cant drink alcoholl.

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