Monday, July 18, 2011

How to Confident In Yourself?

Wow. that was a lot to read, but I can't just fix your problems. Those are all internal struggles. You need to learn to be confident ad recognize your successes. You've got some great awards and some great successes, and downplaying those isn't going to serve you well. Acknowledge your successes, but you are good or bad regardless of recognition. It's always great to be praised and recognized, but you should feel personal success from your successes and not need to be constantly reminded of it by others. I can guarantee that this behavior is visible to other people and it's probably in your way of being popular and truly happy. Long hair and a painted room definitely won't make you popular, but texting and facebook are important components of a modern social life. In terms of facebook, sit your parents down and talk to them about it. Figure out what they don't like about it. Usually it's the safety component that they don't like, so go through facebook showing them all of the safety precautions that facebook has and limited profile info. Prove to them that facebook is safe and is really helpful for projects at school and asking about school info. In terms of texting, ask them to get a phone for security. Tell them that it's for safety for when you go out or if something were to happen. If they won't pay for texting, offer to pay for it yourself. Those two aspects are pretty important so work for them. Paint your own bedroom and it should be a decent price- paint only.

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