Sunday, July 17, 2011

Should I dump him for Mr. Maybe right?

Okay, I started dating this guy two years ago, in 6th grade. It was my fist serious relationship, and the longest (by far) that I've ever had. I thought I loved him. He's the first guy I've ever told that I love him. During the summer after 6th grade he moved. I really hate long distance relationships, nut he said we could make it work. After that, he didn't call, or IM, or write or anything. I thought we were through. So, when this other guy, who I really liked too, called and asked if I wanted to go on a date, I said yeah. After that we went on 4 more dates and started going out. Then, 2 months into 7th grade, the first guy finally calls out of the blue and asks If I wanna go on a picnic with him. I didn't have the heart to tell him that I was going out with someone else, because he has a bad past. Not the most popular kid in school either. So I kept each one a secret from the other. It's not like I did anymore than hug either of them. I haven't kissed the first guy yet, and we've been dating 2 years! Anyway, my best friend said that I had to break up with one of them, and it took me a while to choose. The second guy was being really hot and cold with me, so I choose to break up with him. I've tried really REALLY hard to get over him, but I can't. So now, I don't have any feelings beyond friend for the first guy, but I don't have the heart to break up with him! Help!

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