Saturday, July 16, 2011

What does my dream mean?

I was with my boyfriend hanging out where I used to live on the river, watching a remote control speed boat race from my neighbors pier. My boyfriend leaves me for a moment to go grab us a couple of drinks from my neighbors house, when he gets back he discovers i've been kidnapped of course he starts looking for me but he keeps looking in all the wrong places. In the mean time I've pissed off my kidnapper and he shoves me into this metal cage that kinda resembles a crab fisherman's cage and shoves it down the hill into the water ( please remember I used to live on the river the place where he pushed me down is about 15-20 ft deep and the further down you go the less you can see ) in my dream once I hit the bottom it was so clear like and blue, like the water off the Bahamas. I managed to get out of the cage and barely made it to the surface before I ran out of air. Right as I broke the surface I felt light headed and sick and this random guy dove in after me to save me but i have no clue who this person was? What does my dream mean???

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