Saturday, July 16, 2011

Can my soon to be exhusband charge me with kidnapping?

You CAN'T kidnap your own children. After you are divorced and there is a custody agreement, then you would be limited to where you can travel with the kids, that is assuming that your ex-husband gets any visitation. If he is violent you should file a restraining order to have a record of his temper and to use during the divorce. You need to document anything and everything that you can to help you in the future. I dont think you would up and leave and take the kids for no reason and the courts will understand this also. You are both still married to each other and have equal rights to the children at this point so be aware that he could pick up a kid from school and disappear with them assuming of course he is capable of such a thing. It is amazing what people will do even if it hurts them in the future. Good luck and I hope it all works out for you.

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