Sunday, July 10, 2011

My friend is better than me at everything...?

I don't want to live anymore cause I'm rubbish at everything and my friend is always better. He does better in subjects when I try much harder even in the one that I studied for 2 years and then he started it later without any knowledge about it. His better than me at chess and checkers even thought I play it way more..He is better than me at shooting games,fighting games, literally EVERYTHING. I bought rollerskates and it took me around 1 day to learn how to ride properly(I'm not fat) and afterwards he bought rollerskates and in about an hour his better than me. Also, I played a cs shooting game for around 2 years and his better than me on his first day WTF!?!? I tried to change my attitude and say to myself its not about competition and change my way of thinking but sorry I just cannot accept being rubbish at EVERYTHING since I used to be the person who was at the top 3 in most of the things when I was younger(never met this friend back then)...Thats probably one of the problems as well cause I try to prove to him that I'm not rubbish but I end up just being worser. Long time ago I used to work towards my goals knowing I will be the best and I suceeded,now I'm worthless.What should I do?Should I just ******* die?Who wants to buy my body?I dont need it...I doubt a kidnapper would need any of my organs cause they are so ****...I can't express how angry I am about myself, I wouldn't care if someone **** on my face.

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