Monday, July 18, 2011

Casey Anthony More Evidence Of Guilt Your thoughts?

I have been watching this case from day 1 and I firmly believe she did it. No someone else didn't do it and she's not covering she did it. She has a Narcissistic personality that is a pathological liar. She never had a bond with her child. I'm just sad that she will most likely not get the death penalty

Thunderstorms on our 1 year anniversary..HELP!?

We had all these nice outdoor plans for our one year like going for a picnic and a walk.. but now their ruined with Tornado and Thunderstorm warnings. We want to have it be a fun day! Any ideas on what you would do in a situation like mine? THANKS:)!!!

Teens: How to Feel Good About Yourself?

I use to feel that way all the time was really becoming a problem. Due to this, I was left on the sidelines looking at everyone else have so much fun. By the way, I am 15. At times I still feel that way but you should not let it get to you. The problem is you have low self-esteem. It is okay to get a lower grade than someone else; you can not be perfect. Ypu have nothing to worry about your appearence; you obviously make up for it in style. All you need to is change your attitude about life and whole new world will open up for you. To begin' try saying hello to others at school you would not normally talk to.

I need find out a title to a movie?

the movie is a disney channel movie, it is about a nerdy boy who has a nerdy dad. there is going to be a father son picnic and the boy is embarrased by his dad so he goes to a gym and hires a new cool dad. does anyone know the title to this movie?

Dreams? Help me pretty pretty please!?

Alright. So I'm constantly having these dreams about me being kidnapped, like every night. I don't know why, but I always wake up either screaming or in the middle of the night. The kidnapper looks really familiar and my parents just kinda stand by and let it happen during the dream. I'm only 14 and I don't even wanna sleep because it's really that bad. What should I do? Why am I dreaming of things like this?

How to get my ex boyfriend to like me again?

Well were both in 7th grade and we started dating and went to a dance but broke up. I asked him back out and he said yes and we went on two dates over the summer (it is still summer break). We went to a lake and hung out and the next day we went on a picnic and jumped on a trampoline and I hinted that he should kiss me but he didn't get it. Later that day I told him and he said oops sorry. But then he broke up with me and I asked him why and he said because I can and later I asked if late this summer we could give us another chance he said no and I asked why and he said cause I dont like you that way I just wanna be friends. What can I do this summer to get him to like me and want to go ou with me again???

Should Roger Helmer MEP lose his job after his comments about rape?

You are asking if someone should be punished for the words they say? No. Plain and simple. Freedom of Speech is protected. Should everyone that ever says anything that offends or upsets someone else be punished?